Haven't we noticed that Advertisers are getting blatantly bolder and use loopholes in the law and not so subtle dialogues and methods to convey their messages, publicising goods or services that otherwise could not have been legally advertised. Watching Television,I feel that my intelligence is being questioned. Diageo - the worlds largest alcohol producer and seller, champions the cause of drinking and at the same time tells you to park your car!!
While I agree that drunken driving could be dangerous, I believe the root cause is elsewhere. Responsible people with good up bringing will drink and drive responsibly. Getting drunk is all about upbringing. But we shall save this discussion for another blog.
This discussion on advertising ethics has awoken questions, more recently after Uber were served an FIR for deception and cheating since their web site promised security to all its users!! I found this absurd, especially while watching Indian television.
My sister brought a ketchup advert to my notice and the comments generally voice similar sentiments.
I presently (un fortunately) have access to only NDTV from India. I not only find the advertisements dishonest, but the very presentation of News, edited with sound effects, is a deception in itself. Paid news, biased reporting seems to go hand in hand with these deceptive advertisements.
Not only should the advertisers be subject to investigation, but so should the directors, producers and actors of these untruths be held to answer for their adverts.
As in criminal cases, they should be classified as to the dangers they could be responsible for resulting in.
In my opinion, racist and discriminatory. Our kids in India growing up believing that it is OK to discriminate on colour of the skin.
Secondly would like to understand how these work and if they actually guarantee skin tone change without long term or hidden effects.
The Company, the Advertising company and more shamefully Shah Rukh and John Abraham.
Since it concerns Racism, what would their reaction be if an FIR be lodged against them.
DIAGEO and its DONT DRINK & DRIVE Hashtag!!!
Like Walther PPK advertising that guns are unsafe!!!
NDTV should be found guilty for the advertisement campaign involving the largest seller of alcohol in the world who use this social issue for advertising.
SEAGRAMS, McDOWELL and all other Alcohol and Cigarette Manufacturers who have been permitted to promote Drinking ICE, SODA and Music. Legally very little against them, but blatant promotion of Brands famous for Alcohol and Cigarettes.
ADVERTS that promote CHEATING are quite dangerous when they teach our young that its OK to cheat for fun!
A recent Ketchup Adverts shows a Team Captain choosing a player who offers him a bottle of Ketchup
A VW Car Advert that advertises speed as a means to move from point A to B to please a waiting girlfriend.
Another Car Advert that uses wild driving to make a milk shake
A Cell Phone company that promotes a good selfie camera to cheat on a friend
THe Coke or Pepsi Advert sayings its Macho to steal someones drink.
Sensodyne and other Toothpaste adverts : How many of these Doctors are actually doctors or are the adverts doctored??
I was surprised to see a silly Mahindra Advert that shows a airplane drop a couple of thousand litres of water to wash a Scorpio with a suggestive female pilot suggesting she give the driver a wash too. Nothing deserving an FIR here, but didn't expect this from Anand Mahindras stable!!
The number of adverts that lie are far too many to list out and it would be easier to list those that exhibit ethics.
AAMIR Khans Athithi Devo Bhava from Incredible India is one that comes to mind of positive ethical advertising.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a Television PRogramme on the lines of Satyameva Jayate, which dissects each advertisement for its Truth versus Bluff factors? Whether a Shampoo actually got her hair smooth and silky, whether your Car Engine actually gets cleaned using a specific brand of oil, Whether a tyre manufacturer actually guarantees the performance of the tyre, if using AXE actually has an effect on all their targets!! How many of these adverts were
Or a forum that discusses each advert that does so and try to highlight them?
Try and launch a Chage.Org Online Petition to hold false advertisers liable?
Any Suggestions?
The Dustbin is where writing gets tested. Where ideas get chewn-like-the-cud. Sift through a dustbin and you'll find some interesting rough cuts.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
No U Turns Please!!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Uber Who?
U ber-rah be careful boarding any Cab!!!
- A Cab Driver has got a forged Police Certificate.
- He uses the forged certificate to get a Cab Operators & Driving Licence from the Licensing Authority
- He gets a Job based on the clearence from the Licensing Authority
- He commits a crime. A heinous crime.
- And the first thing the Government does is Ban the Cab Company.
Are we living or
Mars or what?
Logic says
suspend the Licensing Officer. Investigate the number of fake Licences. If
every employer has to run police checks on their employees police certificates,
why have the police? Why pay taxes?
Am not seeking
Utopia. But this is not really nuclear science.
When a corporate
employs, they ask for a Police clearance certificate. If your licensing
authority has loopholes, then please sort them out. Not slap the employer with
an FIR. When a motorist falls into an open manhole, you sue the Road Authority,
not the motorist and neither the manufacturer of the automobile.
Yes, there has
been a twist. The media have been able to do better investigations than the
Now we know
someone else has complained about the same driver. Yes here please do pull up
Uber for being a lousy service provider. But BANNING the company for a screw up
by the Police and Licensing Authority , and for our poor civic sense is the
wrong way to go about it.
This FIR seems
to have been filed quicker than Quickr could have sold my car.
Guys !! Govt!!
Give us a break!!
I've used Uber
and several other taxis and services and found them to be exceptional. The Govt
Pre Paid Taxi Service from Bangalore Airport quoted 1400/- Rs for a drop to
Central Bangalore and a Uber Cab ( Innova) cost me 546 - Rs. With far better service.
Ive used Uber in
Italy, The Hague, Dubai, Barcelona, India ( Mumbai, Bangalore & Chennai)
after being introduced to the service in Brazil and found them to be life
savers. And in todays world, please use due diligence before boarding any cab.
Always note the Drivers name, phone number and the number plate. If you use
Uber, track the car and if youre female, alone and have had a few drinks and
likely to sleep, then please call a family member before boarding any taxi.
Yes, we believe that every citizen should be safe, but lets not take chances
until the government makes the city safe... And even then, take precautions.
You wouldnt walk around with a rolex in Harlem at 2 AM and then blame it on the
chap who sold the mugger a knife!!
I do feel sorry
for the victim and animals like this driver should face maximum penalties the
law provides.
In this case,
the law themselves have let him go on two or three ocassions. And the law wants
to penalise Uber??
Yes Uber may
have made some exagerated claims while advertising. Come on folks.. fair &
Lovely, or Fair & Handsome, Shampoo adverts, Bacardi Soda, McDowells No 1
Soda, all our Automobile and Motorcycle adverts have done nothing but bluff.
And the paid news on TV Channels do nothing but hoodwink gullible viewers. So give Uber a break. Yes let them comply
with regulations. Let the government comply too with its promises to the
people. Make sure that the Licensing Authority is brought to task for
negligence and corruption.
Let us as people
also realise that we live in a real world and thus take care of ourselves too.
While I am not
condoning the dastardly act, I would advise my own mother, sister and daughter
and my son too, to always excercise caution in this big bad bad world...
Whether theyre boarding a train, bus, plane, taxi, auto or any cab!!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Raul and the Interplanetary isms!! A look back at the past from the Future
This Blog is written in pure jest, light hearted banter on an Election that Could change India. I have great respect for honest politicians and for the lead character in my blog, but do feel his talents have great potential in other domains, rather than in the mayhem of Politics in India.
We are in the Year 2024. But why this Strange title for a blog.
(Please refer to the FAQ section for answers)
FAQ1. What are 'isms'? The 'isms' relate to 'intellectual' outbursts from relatively known public figures that make common people like you and me stand up and take notice. These 'ismers' then become famous and make it their business to frequently spew out these outbursts. They perform this task with a clouded sense of ostrich like idiocy, genuinely believing that they are entertaining listeners. One of them is an ex cricketer called Biddu. I imagine that the Hero of my blog is in phase one, where his 'isms' fall on us un-intentionally, but have great and growing following.
FAQ2. Why Interplanetary? The antics of our Political champions have taken Indian politics and corruption to an "out of this world" level that can only be imagined in "galactical" proportions, thus Interplanetary!!
Remember, this Blog is written in 2024 - many many years after some political incidents in India changed the way Politics 'happens' in India. It was one of the most polarizing years in the history of Indian Elections. Global warming was taking its toll on Indian Politics too!
(Please refer to the FAQ section for answers)
FAQ1. What are 'isms'? The 'isms' relate to 'intellectual' outbursts from relatively known public figures that make common people like you and me stand up and take notice. These 'ismers' then become famous and make it their business to frequently spew out these outbursts. They perform this task with a clouded sense of ostrich like idiocy, genuinely believing that they are entertaining listeners. One of them is an ex cricketer called Biddu. I imagine that the Hero of my blog is in phase one, where his 'isms' fall on us un-intentionally, but have great and growing following.
FAQ2. Why Interplanetary? The antics of our Political champions have taken Indian politics and corruption to an "out of this world" level that can only be imagined in "galactical" proportions, thus Interplanetary!!
Remember, this Blog is written in 2024 - many many years after some political incidents in India changed the way Politics 'happens' in India. It was one of the most polarizing years in the history of Indian Elections. Global warming was taking its toll on Indian Politics too!
Year 2014 - February. India. General Elections are due in a few months. The Loud speaker business is so profitable that BOSE has shifted to making Public Address Systems. Flag makers, Poster Printers and Gandhi Topi weavers now drive to work in Mercedes Benzs. Tea Sellers fly in in Private Jets.
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RAUL SCIONI I ( an impersonation by a famous Comic Strip Character) and quite interestingly resembling one of our yesteryear politicians. |
Well, I guess we all know who the hero of my blog is. Raul, I. Scioni. The Crusader. The Champion of the poor of Raye Methi. Up in arms to make right all the wrongs, and set India on the right path. To correct decades of mis-rule and mis-governance. To change the destiny of India… The Destiny that he says has gone completely off track -….er…. despite having been in the drivers seat, at the helm of power for the last 15 years. Having driven the car all these un-fruitful years, now a woken up Raul is screaming that he has been driving on the wrong road. Deceived by the Road Authority of India. Now, almost stranded, he rises above his misery, above the misery and poverty around him, and putting a brave, unshaven face, appeals to the masses of India : "Friends, Romans (He has his origins from Italy) and Countrymen, Lend me Five more 'years', and I shall"….he dramatically pauses, as he imagines the audience waiting with 'baited' breath..... and he continues…".I shall respect women!! I shall fight for you. Raul , (the hero of this blog then shifts to the third person, while referring to himself), Raul will fight for you. 'I've' been behind the purdah (the screen or less literally, the scene) (while he once again shifts to first person, as though changing gears to tackle a twist on his road)... all these years and thus, please, bear no grudge against me, for it wasn't me, but people of my party who haven't kept me abreast of your issues while Raul has been busy driving." The audience is now looking all across the maidan, searching for the other Raul… and are shaken out of this as the scion continues…"….And Raul (in third person again) promises you that he will bring back the glory .. .. the Glory.." ( Once again the masses look around for the elusive other Raul and the even more evasive Glory he speaks about.) And while the mesmerized masses listen in "hypnotic reverence" (what most learned people call 'sleep'), ordinary tele viewers like us ponder, that after GW Bush I, and Biddhu… are we seeing the birth of Raul-isms?
We listen in all the more intently -
Raul lays out his master plan.
Raul promises to empower women. When asked what he meant, by an ex famous ex TV Anchor, Raul reiterates that he promises that he would provide electricity (power) to women farmers to boost productivity to address food security and bring back respect to women.
Raul promises to Bring Cleaner Technology to Delhi. When asked how he intended to do this, he simply replies that by removing all the Brooms (jhaadus), he would bring in Vacuum Cleaner Technology!!
Raul Promises to take Indian villages into a satellite orbit.. and went into great detail explaining 'escape' velocity. Villagers seem to absorb this lesson in Rocket science in dumbstruck awe, reminding me of my lessons in Sanskrit. I remember my experience in being unable to grasp anything of the language of the Gods was more out of a void within me to comprehend anything. I however am sure that the villagers seemed to understand and could possibly empathize with Raul. We, also however, are yet to hear how he is going to achieve VRo (take off velocity) , but he apparently has been spotted buying several cartons of Diwali Rockets.
Raul said he came out on tops when interviewed by a top anchor. It actually took quite some time to get Raul to get off the Anchors shoulders. The poor Anchor, known to grill the toughest of tough names in Indian politics, never letting anyone else have a say, was apparently last seen at the Psychiatrists, seeking help and answers as to what went wrong that fateful night when he tried to out question Raul.
Raul, then goes on to tell us the story of his life, his life with his Grandmother who was the boss at home. His Father too had no say in the house. His Mother then became the boss of the house. He says he hasn't married because he has had to work for the Party. He trusts his sister and hopes she will one day become boss of the house. But his brother in law doesn't speak to him anymore since Raul tore up a Bill protecting tainted politicians and their families. His B-i-L apparently wanted the words 'and families' struck off the Bill!!
Raul tells us of his trauma after his Grandmothers assassination, though he clarifies that, while he was aware, he was not responsible for mayhem that followed since he was too young to remember!! It seems pretty impertinent for politicians clamoring for a young child to apologize for no fault of his, he seemed to want to convey!!
Raul becomes very emotional when we discus Tea. He becomes agitated and refuses to discus anything to do with Tea. The last time we saw him in this irritable mood was when a certain well spoken Stephenite Mr M Anni Shayar offered to let a leading activist politician, AK00, come and sweep the corridors of the CWC venue.
Since then M Anni has been taken off the CWC Arrangements Committee. He has since become a strategy advisor for opposition parties! All proceeds to go to the CWC though, from the dedicated Congressman.
Raul also loves attending Press Conferences. Especially when they don't concern him. His favorite ones are when a Minister Maekn is at them. Maekn doesn't seem to mind when this Boy walks in, tears up some manifesto , says something to the Press and then leaves. Maeknji says he is relieved because then no one bothers about issues the Press Conference was called for in the first place.
Raul has this love for land. He loves the smell of fresh earth. and since he believes in sharing, he has always shared what ever 'earth' he has acquired with his sister and brother-in-law. A truly loving close family. However off late, ever since Raul tore some bill seeking to protect tainted politicians, Raul hasn't any longer shared any of the land with his 'sala' (an 'endearing' term for a loving 'brother-in-law' in Hindi).
In conclusion, Raul says "Raul says Raul will protect women, see they are empowered. Food Security . Power. Empowerment. Women. Jai Hind" he finishes delivering his impregnated speech with the audience bearing the whole brunt of labour! Those who didn't understand, clap with a fervency, camouflaging ignorance. Those who did understand, didn't understand anything. For nothing was indeed said.
Well, that was many years ago in India. a fateful year for many political veterans and for political aspirants and for veteran aspirants alike.
Raul quit Indian politics in 2014 saying he wasn't able to cope with the hectic schedule of Press Conferences, Manifestos and Press Interviews. The Electronic age also apparently didn't help when Manifestos were being written on IPads and tearing up I Pads wasn't easy too.
Raul, the suave consultant, now sporting a clean shaven face, drives a Lambo , seen dressed most often in Armani, now lives in Spain and spends time between Italy, Kerala (fighting for rights of Italian fishermen and their families born in Kerala) and Telengana (another home, a State that offered him, his mother, doting sister and now reunited brother in law, some land and a key to the state for life)
A quick Fly back to the Present
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Shri AK00(aka AK49) (an impersonation by a famous Comic Strip character) and strangely bearing a strong resemblance to a current politician in India |
India, 2024 March : General Elections are due. Incumbent PM Mr AK00, now fondly known as Shri AK49 is preparing for Elections. The Mango Party, in power since 2019, will have a cake walk. India is free from corruption. There are no blaring speakers (BOSE has quit the PA business and gone back to making those expensive home and car audio systems). The Chinese tried to get into the FDI Retail business of manufacturing Gandhi Topis, but thanks to the clever business acumen of PM AK49 and his able team, have thwarted that effort too and the Khadi GramUdyog Bhavan is now Indias biggest and most prosperous business house. The BPJ party (if anyone remembers) will be a distant second. Its star campaigner of the past, (no, no not LK Admani).
We're referring to the T-Man, Mr MoNa. He has quit politics and returned to a roaring international business of Tea Marketing. There is a MoNa Tea Boutique in every corner of the world today. His Home state is thriving and is still affluent, as has always been - thanks to the ever hardworking people of Gujarat!!
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RK Laxmans Common Man A very strong resemblance to a stalwart and PM Candidate for Life for the BPJ Party We hear he (now 107 years old), intends representing the BPJ Party at their Youth Wing forum |
We're referring to the T-Man, Mr MoNa. He has quit politics and returned to a roaring international business of Tea Marketing. There is a MoNa Tea Boutique in every corner of the world today. His Home state is thriving and is still affluent, as has always been - thanks to the ever hardworking people of Gujarat!!
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Tea Magnate -MoNa ( an impersonation by a famous Comic strip character) and quite coincidentally resembling one of our yesteryear Politicians. |
A huge incomplete statue has become the worlds most visited incomplete monument in the World. It has raised the tourism based economy of Gujarat threefold. It was called the Statue of Unity. One must admit that it genuinely succeeded in uniting the people - uniting all those who opposed the plan so vehemently and was thus partly responsible for the disappearance of MoNas presence in the political arena.
The party of Raul I Scioni went through complete transformation and became a Womens Party fighting for the Empowerment of Women. Last we heard that they were staging a Dharna outside the Reliant Power company, demanding more power for Women!
Banjul, The Gambia
27th July, 2024
PS. And with the virtual political demise of the Grand Old Party of Indian Politics, when a former PM said, in mourning, let us maintain a minute of 'silence', the whole world stood and said "shhhhhhh, he's saying something!!!
PS. And with the virtual political demise of the Grand Old Party of Indian Politics, when a former PM said, in mourning, let us maintain a minute of 'silence', the whole world stood and said "shhhhhhh, he's saying something!!!
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A Former Economist and Very Silent PM ( An Impersonation by the versatile & famous Alfred E Neuman) |