No one listened to me.
I advised the world way back in 2016, "Ignore Trump" I said then and he wouldn't get the attention and get elected... He was headlines every day, gathered more confused and scared and racist supporters,
...and now see what you've done!
We're at the brink of a nuclear war with two idiots shooting missiles and messages off, with no one able to silence them, nor understand them.
Of these two, the one with the smaller hands and broader shoulders seems to be the bigger problem.
Well, with Kim, we don't know him, have very little access to him or his thoughts, and thus hes like a ghost that keeps haunting the world... but hes not the dangerous one here.
The dangerous one is the leader of the worlds largest democracy, someone who shouldn't have been there, ever! #TheDonald #TheTrump, #Drumpf or as LeBron James simply called him "Bum", a billionaire, a bigot, a sleaze king, failure as a serious businessman, virtually despised by every respectful person on earth (including his spouse and a large part of his family), is the one we need to be careful about.
He has polarised the American nation, insulted the very fabric of a United States of America. He has brought sleaze and dishonour into the White House. He has brought Fake media to the forefront and uses it to keep his followers energised and every growing by spewing out lies. His sidekicks like the Mouche, or Bannon, or the recently re invented Spicer, all have 'advertantly' or inadvertently admitted that they've been asked to lie by the white house. from the not so important crowd sizes at that fateful inauguration, or be it the impeachable offences on lies about ties to Russia or the use of official machinery to further private business, Trump has brought the whole nation to its knees, while he accuses sportspersons of disrespect while going down on their knees to protest at his divisive and racial discrimination.
America, a country built by immigrants, led by one who's married to one, a country that has shunned its own natives for decades, racially used and abused people from Africa, now wants to shut is borders with a wall. And Trumps supporters are shamelessly following.
Where is this going to lead us to. One hopes it will disappear like a bad dream.
Wake up one morning and lo and behold, it was just a bad dream. Obama got a magical third term, Health care for all has become a reality and is affordable, Russia & China have " convinced" Kim Jong Un to adhere to world rules and have also convinced the US to remove all arms from regions that don't concern it! Iran returns to its glorious days and has the biggest Nuclear power stations in the region and distribute power to all its neighbours, including Israel. Bashar Al Assad rules Syria and jointly they have wiped out ISIS.
The World is at peace once more.
Donald now 90 years old, goes back to doing episode 7 of the Apprentice and has just made another unsuccessful attempt to buy Hugh Hefners mansion. Melania has remarried and runs her own English tutorials. Ivanka has migrated to China and her brand outsells every other brand. The Kucheners have moved with Ivanka. the Republican party former House Speaker Paul Ryan is trying the 497th attempt to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. Senator McCain, the only other Republican in the house, opposes the attempt at creating a Replace and Repeal Bill once again.
Fox & Friends have shut down and been bought by Trump. Hes fired everyone and the only run re runs of the Apprentice.
What a lovely world we live in.
Would love to keep dreaming!!