The recent and ongoing debate on Austerity measures being proposed and imposed by our Political leaders in India, and thereafter being dissected by the media is a real cause for concern. They seem to see austerity in a molecular singular sense and present tense. Austerity would mean exhibiting a sense of livelyhood relatively lower to your regular standard of living. An Onasis exhibiting an austere life would probably mean skiping his caviar and champagne. My austerity would mean swapping my J&B whisky for a Captain Whisky. Thus a Shashi Tharoor, though someone who very naturally adapts to any environment and living condition, perceived by the press to be someone who splurged while an employee of the UN, is told to move out of a 5 Star Hotel into some inconspcious accomodation only becasue the 5 Star accomodation is peceived to be un-austere. I have stayed at the worlds best hotels at rates far lower than the rack rates of many 2 or 3 star hotels. Yet had I stayed at the lower grade hotel paying more - I would have been perceived to be 'austere' by beholders. Sonia Gandhi flying in Economy Class is perceived to be austere (even though the government spends more on logistics and security. The press coverage, mobile vans, police detail, CBI and all other departments carbon footprint would have been doubled or trebled on her austerity drive. And the more absurd one - is Rahul's train journey. Rahul sees it as his molecular and singular self being austere. Yet a government sees it as security detail of a larger number of the NSG (invisible to Rahul) for the 3 hour journey rather than a handful required for his 15 minute secure flight. All this not considering the inconvenience and expenses incurred by the detached everyday 'austere' passengers. Maybe those co-passengers should have exhibited thir austeity by travelling by bus, and the bus travellers....and so on and so on....
Austerity is also relative to the surroundings and thus not the same for everyone. I've said this before - being simple (austere) could be far more complicated than being complicated. A vegetarian in Africa pays much more and complicates life - yet being vegetarian is perceived as being austere. In Hindu mythology, Sudama, Krishna's austere friend would have flummoxed everyone offerng the 'austere' meal of Poha(puffed rice) in an African scenario - the very simple Poha is far more expensive than most other luxury items in an Indian Supermarket here.
And of course we have our wonderful media that loves controversy - 40 austerity debates - have literaly pushed public figures to clandestinely do normal things and will eventually crucify honest politicians like Tharoor. He recently twitted that he was more comfortable in his politician's collarless outfit (garb devoid of a collar and noose (neck tie) ......and I wondered.. whether the necktie was far less dangerous than the news (noose) media that his political garb attracted?
His latest twit on austerity concerning the 'economy class' seems to have tickled his party. It will be the literary worlds loss if a party whip silences his twitting by 'ordering' him to be 'austere' with his words too. The theory of relativity led to the creation of an atomic bomb. What bomb will this 'austerity' theory develop into?
Post Script : At the time of posting this I just read the hype that NDTV has made of the Tharoor issue..... The Congress party messages are being broadcast... their distaste at his mention of the holy cows.... the media criticizes Rahul for his security lapse ....... the media rules... and is winding up the timer on a bomb!
ReplyDeleteHi Ram,
Same problem as before. Your blog just doesn't let us post comments, even when we log in as Anonymous.
Anyways, here goes ..........
Hi Ram,
I am beginning to think I am the resident Devil's Advocate on this blogspot. So at the risk of chafing you, here's my twopence worth :
Leaders are held to different standards and rightly so, because what they say and do influences a whole bunch of others (holy cows included). That is why it is perhaps more important for Caesar's wife to be perceived as being virtuous than it is for her to be actually virtuous.
Take the current case of the Congress : Sonia/Manmohan first made sounds about austerity and all the Queen's men dutifully made sounds too.
Then suddenly, Sonia travelled 2nd class once and her son took a 15-min train ride and you know what ? Every two-bit congress leader (and there are thousands of them in the country) is actaully vying to organize the best austerity drive in his/her pocket borough !
This is leadership - making you do things you don't particularly want to do. I for one certainly prefer watching my pols compete on the basis of who is more austere, even if half of it is exaggerated, than watching ministers openly threatening to boycott cabinet meetings because they were not given houses 'suitable' to their status or not given the latest Merc or Bimmer.
So, thumbs up to Sonia on this one !
Postscript : Tharoor may be a jolly good fella and someone we relate to but let's not kid ourselves - he's a creature of India and totally out of sync with Bharat. Imagine yourself living on a dollar a day (that's 27 dalasis a day), that by the way is how 40% of our countrymen live, and you will understand why Bharat would consider Shashi to be an oddity from outer space. To be fair to him, I am sure he feels the same way about most Indians and probably can't stand the stench at the Farmer's Meetings that Mama Sonia makes him attend now and then.
He must be longing to return to the refined Tribeca hangouts where he used to sip wine and hold forth on the new world order to an EDUCATED audience. This probably gets his goat more than being kicked out of 5-star digs !
La parole est a vous.
ReplyDeleteHi Tiger
Have no idea why but shall cut'n' paste your point of view.
Re. Tharoor and Politics - I dont agree with you. Ive met him when he was USG at the UN. And at that time too - he knew his roots and had his feet firmly on the ground. Ive read his books and you cant write about something you dont know. Thus he knows India and about the Indian scenario. What he isn't is probably a hypocrite and that will probably get his in a whole lot of problems.
His sense of humour and wit too will get him strung up - and remarks like the response to a cattle class question ( where he just used the same words on a twit question posed to him' have been quoted as his) has landed him up in a contoversey with a BJP idiot asking for his resgnation.
For once we have an honest politician ( doesnt ned to steal or rip anyone off) - and someone who knows what needs to be done to improve the lot of Indias poor and middle class -someone who's able to effectively communicate with people - in the limited time he has - Hes probably reached out to more individuals with his twiting, giving more people an idea of what a day in the life of a minister is than has EVER been done before ( to the best of my knowledge) - and I can vouch that he's not doing it for the next elections - but out of a genuine interest in communicating with people.
But the quagmire that our politics is - will pull him down for sure.
The day that his finger slips on his blackberry and hits the F key rather than the D in Duck - he's fried....and will be fired.
Have you read his books - Midnight to the Millennium - Cellphone and the Tiger?... His A-Z on India is hilarious and yet exhibits his sentiments for India.
Am sure you'll change your opinion of the person - and possibly of the politician too.
A couple of Months after Tharoor has been Minister and has been twitting as usual, he has become one of twitterworlds most followed politician. His synch with India is far greater than aynone has presumed. THe choice of the masses is the winner. Comments?