While I do know that public mention of a few names/celebrities in my blog may be cause for controversy, I presume that their being public figures entitles us to discus them on a public platform, without prejudice!!
Hear the 'pre-fix' Baba, and instead of imagining a respectful elder preaching good behaviour and peace, we see the likes of power, sex and money hungry bearded saffron clad men using gullible followers to attain nirvanic heights of power, wealth, and possibly ecstacy.
How stupid can we get? We imagine that the likes of a Baba Ramdev or a Sri Sri whatever, or for that matter,even the erstwhile Sai, Maharshi Yogi or Rajneesh - purpotedly to be men of high spiritual intellect and moral benevolence!! We have become so gullible that we dont look beyond those haunting voices or eyes (eye in Ramdevs case). Mass hypnotism using Yoga and Spiritualism! Twisting words and advice into shapes that any Yogic Asana would be proud of - they never falter to deceive.
They have their mass following that gets them their revenue. And then they have the creme de la creme - the Powerful, unscrupulous and corrupt political endorsements.
Religion and Spiritualism have been the best businesses ever. Tax free, Salary free and low investment high return businesses - and mass appeal and following. That is where the similarity with the nursery rhyme begins - Baa Baa Black Sheep refers to a herd - the Babas too have herds. Yes Sir Yes Sir Enough of WOOL to pull over your eyes!!
I stuck a morphed picture (Not taken by me and neither morphed by me) of Anna Hazare (Wh is ANNA Hazare) and Ramdev - morphed into Jai & Veerus famous Yeh Dosti Motorbike picture - signifying the friendship of cause that they both partnered recently - purportedly to fight corruption in Governemnt. I received flak from supporters of Anna and some of the Baa Ba Ba and more - form a friend considering the Congress party being more corrupt than the BJP , and found the arguments worthy of argument.
Anna and Ramdev - Each one promising to fast unto death until corruption in Government died. Sounds funny - but Corrution in Social work and Spiritualism giving their life up to terminate Corruption in Government! Will we see the day when some of our Politicians threated to give up their lives fasting until the Swamis and Babas of the world relinquish corruption and mass duping?
All birds of the same feather and sheep of the same wool!!
Baa Baa
We, will follow idiotic politicians in Saffron, follow a Sushmita dancing as though in a trance, an Advani preending he is on Arjuns charriot - Accept the disruption caused in Parliament over non-issues - Let a silly saffron clad terrorist to the nation hold us to ransom.
Where have gone their yogic powers. They too die of common mans illnesses, are kept alive on instuments like ventilators (an instrument of God?). They will die too inspite of all divine and yogic interventions, But then so will all of us. But were not the ones claiming invincibility and divinity!!!
Huh #visa Vietnam???