I am quite agnostic.
I thus 'probably' will not fall for the religion and blasphemy angle to retaliatory violence. ( the doubt - because nothing is permanent!!)
In fact it makes me abhor public religion even more.
'Faith' is essential and is good. But when religion becomes loud, provocative and the 'mass media' of faith, it could destroy the togetherness that faith brings.
I abhor violence. No reason can justify violence. I (unreservedly) say that anyone or any religion or faith reacting with violence is completely unjustified and an abuse on the faith itself.
What happened in Paris was not an attack against freedom of the press or a religion but was pure terrorism. Demented minds imagining that killing someone is revenge and would kill the idea.!! Unfortunately, they are just demented minds and should have no place on earth or anywhere else.
The dialogue is easy. But in reality, is different. A few campaigning against violence will be insufficient to stem this rot.
If we can "switch off" for a few minutes from this particular case(Charlie Hebdo Shootings) and analyse the anger behind most human reactions, we may be able to understand where this all starts. How it flames up and spreads. And this 'wildfire' like spread is where, in my opinion, the 'media' plays a role.
I'd go ahead and say the press, the media, the journalists & anchors, call them whatever - they need to know where to draw a line (pun intended).
Where does one draw the line between 'freedom of expression' and 'morality'.
In my perspective, both Religion and Journalism are 'media'. 'Mass Media, for that matter.
Lets be a little more realistic. If for example, I insult someones loved one. A mother , sister or someone dear, would the person retaliate. How would they retaliate? A few sensible people may ignore me as an idiot and move on. But it is evident there would be quite a few who would verbally retaliate. A few may physically retaliate. A slap or a fist fight or even more sinister. A gun then gets pulled out or a knife. Upto this point we may not yet blame the insulted - but the "insultor" (!) The moment a gun is pulled out, the 'insultor' becomes the aggressor. Now spread this scenario to a larger group. One Group insults another group. Verbal retaliation is acceptable? Is it? Physical retaliation becomes a mob and if weapons are used then who is to be blamed? If I used mass media and then go about insulting a group every day? What happens? Do a reality check. Today the actions or reactions as human beings may never reflect Gandhian sentiment. Violence now uses the media to spread. The more people who hear of this violence, the more the reactions. The media becomes a part of the mayhem.
The debate then moves along to focus around a particular medium ( a Charlie Hebdo or a Danish Cartoonist) or a particular religion ( Christianity or Hinduism or Islam or Judaism, or....) if one may say so. (In alphabetical order before someone accuses me of bias :-).
Religion and The Media then create larger fault lines around an already divisive subject. Hatred grows.
Journalists seem to forget the 'reach' they have. They either believe that freedom of expression has no limits or they forget the impact it has on different audiences. How much ever one tends to believe that the Journalists of Charlie Hebo were martyrs to a cause, one must also believe that they were martyrs to a war they have chosen to start. Provoking Racism and publicly insulting statements against a particular belief is unnecessary and leads to increasing hatred. Making public derogatory statements incites people differently. And when people don't have a medium or a platform to retaliate, the hatred grows. The hatred grows like a pressure cooker and then explodes.
Retaliation must be expected. Not of course from demented minds using violence or terrorism. But there will be retaliation. To pretend that one can throw stones and not expect stones to fly back is being naive.
We need to learn to stop stoking flames under the guise of freedom of expression.
Misuse of a journalists power of media, brings to my memory the 26/11 attack in India.
A Barkha Dutt (I mention her alone as ai only had access to NDTV) on 26/11 giving terrorists a very clear picture where the police was, virtually assisting them ( not deliberately) but by misusing the power of the media, created much more havoc under the guise of 'informing' public of the situation.
I virtually cringe when a debate on Big Fight ( another NDTV debate on various issues), deals with Religion as it invariably ends up with inciting & more hate 'barbs'. The Media loves whipping up passion. This passion whips up controversy, anger and very very rarely helps in solving the issue being discussed.
Yesterday we had an expert on one of the British channels virtually explaing the advantages of lone wolf kind of operations!!! Any further description here of what the person was spewing out on Television would be a virtual DIY Kit for any weak minded soul wanting to create mayhem. "The beginners guide to Terrorism" or News Reporting? We need to clamp down on this senseless freedom of the press as well as the acess terrorists have to the media.
The media have no doubt given terrorism a voice. Yes we all want to know whats happening in the world. But if we do think a little, if negative news doesnt have a voice, wouldnt there be fewer viewers or listeners and thus fewer reactions.
It is quite clear that recruiting terrorists is becoming easier. All it needs to do is brainwash a weak mind. Mass hypnotism . Mass Deception.
Hatred Spreads Fast. The Media spreads it.
One communal riot in a corner of India, becomes a National riot. Rather than douse flames , the media is able to 'flame it up'.
From a problem concering 200 people, it is made a problem concerning 1.5 Billion people.
Today, terrorist groups have official access to the media. Al Qaeda releases videos. ISIS have spokepersons. They're getting their message across through the media.
Even if they're able to convince 1% of the people they have access to, in a country like India, they've convinced 15 Million people!!
Without the Media, Terrorism wouldn't have a voice.
Four demented souls caught media attention in France, paralysed the country, Europe and most of the world too. 24 hour coverage on television. The Media gave a voice to these four for over a week.
The drama is over. And yet it continues..
#JeSuisCharlie became the most tweeted hashtag, showing us how gullible we are to drama. #JeSuisAhmed got a voice and many ears too.
Je Suis DIVISIVE is the message that went out. A message that its OK to differentiate, be (unintentionally or intentionally) abusive and yet feel patriotic.
I have nothing against those who, in solidarity with those who were victims of this unnecessary carnage, have tweeted messages of compassion with #JeSuisCharlie. Many who have posted JeSuisCharlie have done so because they are sick and tired of being held hostage by mis guided elements. I have many close friends who are on the verge of becoming "militant in thought" on any discussion on Religion. And yet many tweeted in a frenzy of mass media generated hate.
I have nothing against those who, in solidarity with those who were victims of this unnecessary carnage, have tweeted messages of compassion with #JeSuisCharlie. Many who have posted JeSuisCharlie have done so because they are sick and tired of being held hostage by mis guided elements. I have many close friends who are on the verge of becoming "militant in thought" on any discussion on Religion. And yet many tweeted in a frenzy of mass media generated hate.
And this is the result of the polarising media.
Ordinary people who have never been vocal are now reacting.
Reacting publicly to the voice given to divisive dissent by the media.
Reacting only because they saw and heard.
The larger audience is unable to use public mass media. Thus the birth of mass Social media has lent them a voice too. And the louder this reactionary dissent gets, the more mayhem and hatred we will have.
Just read through the comments page on virtually any TIMES OF INDIA article. Arguments between readers who have no face, who don't know whom they're addressing, boils down to racial and religious venom being spewed over a media that doesn't moderate these discussion. Hatred Grows and Spreads very fast.
Do we have a solution? Is censorship the answer? Is strict control the solution.?
All I can say is that education on temperament starts in the fabric of a home and parents. And at school. In the company of friends. And this is the solution for our future generations. Education from parents, schools and in the company of good people.
However, for the present, it is only restraint from 'all media', will help. The 'medium'' of religion and the 'media' of journalism must both exhibit restraint. Then we may have hope that the spread of hatred will stop.
Every Religion, must accept the presence of the other religions. Every Culture must accept that others have a culture to. Imbibe or learn cultures rather than impose cultures.
And then we all may be able to co-exist!
Yes Moderation will help!
Yes Gun Control will Help!
And Pencil Control will also help for sure!
Excellent Blog!!! Totally in Agreement with you..esp when you said "Media has to know where to draw a Line". They over do their job for their own benefits and here we are..!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lenny.
DeleteGood one. Though I was also horrified by the violent attack in Paris, just one look at the cartoon and I could see how easy it must have been to incite the violence. Disgusting provocative cartoons. They were pornographic in nature.This is not freedom of speech. I wonder how many who proudly proclaim "Je suis Charlie" have seen them.
ReplyDeleteHi Ram,
ReplyDeleteDid you read the latest issue of Charlie ? The cover is quite tame but some of the cartoons inside (not related to islam but to christianity and judaism) were quite offensive.
On another note, what's your take on the following :
1. The Turkish president remarks that Netanyahu was shameless to participate in the Paris march after killing over 2200 palestinian women, children and men
2. The justification of a lot of extremists that they are killing 'innocent' americans/ europeans because it is these people's taxes that are being used to bomb civilians in Palestine
Dear Nandita & Tiger
ReplyDeleteI for one would try and avoid reading Charlie Hebdo
Its probably like my asking you to read the FAA Manual revision #231922.2.42 on the Boeing 787, just because I want to prove a point on flight safety!!
Spreading pictures of Charlie Hebdos cartoons is playing into the hands of the free speech jokers.
Tiger : i havent heard of Erdogans speech and neither Netanyahus act. I believe the whole Charlie Hebdo issue was a mistake. What followed was a bigger mistake. The further follow ups are even worse. A calming of the situation is necessary. Average and Moderate Muslims are willing to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against them under the guise of anger against their demented few by other demented people. However when you stuff news and pictures in their face. Asking them for statements, a few sensible will turn and walk away . But a few more may react. So the solution is to let go. Make it easier for us moderates to live our lives and we can continue to be friends. Respect someone who is in front of you irrespective of leanings. Learn to learn culture rahter than impose yours. Ane I think the world around us will improve. Cant say more about this.
Extremists will be extremists . Dont expect sane solutions.
Thanks for posting here