Thursday, April 11, 2019

Black Holes and Bad Exits

Black Holes and Bad Exits

I feel dumb! 

They've discovered how to image a black hole and scientists are going gaga on this stupendous achievement!!! 

'Bravo' I exclaim, while my head searches deep within the vast expanse of my brain... WTF is a black hole, and why is it more important than things that affect us everyday, like Global warming, Bashir stepping down in Sudan, The Mueller report and Trumps taxes, Algerian democracy, and most importantly, Brexit!! 

The more I search for answers, the dumber I feel!! They're all so similar!! A lot of gas in an empty space that you and me can do nothing about except talk, or write about.... with no consequences at all! 

So I want to know more about the current Brexit situation! 

The news is that the EU have given May another chance (her 4th or 5th chance), until October to try pushing the British parliament to agree to a proposal on how to withdraw! 

The people of Great Britain were given ONLY ONE chance to vote on something that they had no idea what the consequences would be. 


A majoroty of those who voted to leave Britain, werent likely to be around when the consequences would be felt. Like your 90 year old parents putting their saved up money into a 30 year fixed deposit!! 

As the consequnces of a Brexit slowly dawned on many who voted to leave, and the political turmoil unfolding in Britain, the Government has been given 4 or more attempts to pass a Brexit deal , and have failed.

.. and now a further extension into a black hole like situation. 

No one knows what it is 
No one knows what it will do to you and your body. But the British Brexiters say, its done! 
No going back. 
Captain Kirk has set USSEnterprise on its path to go where no man has been before!! 

And YET, if we ask, since things are much clearer now, why not give the people of 'Great' Britain another chance, another referendum, the first response is a NO,! 

The people have already had a final say. 
Everyone has another chance!. 
The Tories have had 4 and many more likely, so why not the people!! 


Ram Mohan
Confounded in The Gambia
Watching news as Julian Assange is arrested,Sudans Omar al Bashir has been removed in a Coup, The US Attorney General continues to shield Trump who thinks this is a victory, Mike Pence has just authorised a Coup in Venezuela, Israel elects Netanyahu by the skin of his teeth, Trump gloats, India goes into a huge election while someone is suing Facebook....and the EU has just given Theresa May another chance!!!


Unknown said...

Hey! You write well! Let's have some more coming in!

Nandita said...

I can see the look on your face!!! Keep up the good writing!

Huma said...

My comments seem to disappear into the blackhole, but now that we can image it.....

Huma said...

....Was just checking if it'd show. I say, "hahah" you sure gave it to 'em Brits!!

Huma said...

...see? It's gone again!!!

Huma said...

Do they not allow second chances on your blog either??

RamMohan said...

Thanks..a name? Please

RamMohan said...

Woah Huma... all 4 attempts have been published... see No Black hole here and definitely everyone has as many chances as they wsnt..unlike the Brexit Referendum

RamMohan said...


Amrith said...

So black hole is Rajini Smoking ... fine.
What if Rajini was supposed to help Brexit.

RamMohan said...

Sorry for this late reply Huma.. it mustve been eaten up by the black hole..

RamMohan said...

If Rajni lifted his littlest finger to help Brexit, UK would not only encompass Europe .. but the whole world .. there would be one country on the planet... United Earth.. 🤣🤣🤣