Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Just Another Day - 23rd April 2019

Our daughter just turned 18 

And I'm unable to fathom my emotions 

We were coincidentally watching some old home movies last night with friends Farida and Aftab, visiting us in The Gambia after over 10 years, and stumbled on some other old videos from 10 to 12 years ago, with Rehane as an 8 year old, dancing away at a New Years party in Cape Skirring.. and memories flooded back.

This little active sprightly baby of ours, has turned 18! Do I look worried or am I thrilled 😅😅😅. Of course I'm thrilled. Overjoyed.

I fondly remember her birth with Dr. Bahsoun informing me that the good news was that it was a baby girl, and luckily didn't resemble me!!

Shes 18. Its sinking in.

That teenager milestone that governments acknowledge and confirm that you've grown!! 

Yet I have always felt that this one passed that milestone quite a few years ago. 

Be it learning to drive, or travelling overseas independently, or engaging in activities or conversations with people far older than her, or cooking, not just for survival, but good cooking, food for friends. She loved snails and oysters and local west african ebeh and fufu, a widespread array of tastes that many of us adults would cringe from.

She's been doing all the above for quite some time. 

She jumped off an aircraft, sky-dived when she was barely 12, overcame a fear of eating while flying, just by doing it herself. She learnt swimming when barely a year old, swam in freezing waters around Vigo before she was 12.

She spoke and speaks fluent Arabic, English, French, Wolof and dabbled with Hindi Gujarati and other languages.. though prefers yakking away in Wolof in the company of her diverse Gambian, Hungarian, Lebanese friends. 

Her love for music - from being a persistent 1D fan, getting me to listen, like their music and travel to London for a live 1D performance, most of my music collection today is from her. 

Shes been good to very good at academics, despite having parents who never did push her.. excelled in extra curricular activities and has always made us proud as parents. Her love for design, clothes and especially shoes has been consistent. Her painting skills have always been noticed and her steady hand while applying henna, earning good pocket money, has reassured us that she would never be strapped for cash in life. 

Well behaved at other peoples parties, and a help and friend to her friends,  her ability to keep friends for long is encouraging.

Ofcourse, she's imbibed a headstrong attitude from her parents, and a pretty short temper too. ..😅. Adamant and stubborn too - never did and vehemently refuses to learn to cycle, but has liked riding pillion on my motor bikes, though defiant while asked to wear a helmet, lest it infringe with her hair-do.... .. But then those are traits that we adults have.

So though my daughter turns 18 today, shes been an adult a long time ago! 

Happy Birthday Babes😍😍😍

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Black Holes and Bad Exits

Black Holes and Bad Exits

I feel dumb! 

They've discovered how to image a black hole and scientists are going gaga on this stupendous achievement!!! 

'Bravo' I exclaim, while my head searches deep within the vast expanse of my brain... WTF is a black hole, and why is it more important than things that affect us everyday, like Global warming, Bashir stepping down in Sudan, The Mueller report and Trumps taxes, Algerian democracy, and most importantly, Brexit!! 

The more I search for answers, the dumber I feel!! They're all so similar!! A lot of gas in an empty space that you and me can do nothing about except talk, or write about.... with no consequences at all! 

So I want to know more about the current Brexit situation! 

The news is that the EU have given May another chance (her 4th or 5th chance), until October to try pushing the British parliament to agree to a proposal on how to withdraw! 

The people of Great Britain were given ONLY ONE chance to vote on something that they had no idea what the consequences would be. 


A majoroty of those who voted to leave Britain, werent likely to be around when the consequences would be felt. Like your 90 year old parents putting their saved up money into a 30 year fixed deposit!! 

As the consequnces of a Brexit slowly dawned on many who voted to leave, and the political turmoil unfolding in Britain, the Government has been given 4 or more attempts to pass a Brexit deal , and have failed.

.. and now a further extension into a black hole like situation. 

No one knows what it is 
No one knows what it will do to you and your body. But the British Brexiters say, its done! 
No going back. 
Captain Kirk has set USSEnterprise on its path to go where no man has been before!! 

And YET, if we ask, since things are much clearer now, why not give the people of 'Great' Britain another chance, another referendum, the first response is a NO,! 

The people have already had a final say. 
Everyone has another chance!. 
The Tories have had 4 and many more likely, so why not the people!! 


Ram Mohan
Confounded in The Gambia
Watching news as Julian Assange is arrested,Sudans Omar al Bashir has been removed in a Coup, The US Attorney General continues to shield Trump who thinks this is a victory, Mike Pence has just authorised a Coup in Venezuela, Israel elects Netanyahu by the skin of his teeth, Trump gloats, India goes into a huge election while someone is suing Facebook....and the EU has just given Theresa May another chance!!!