Monday, October 21, 2024


Writing, as an after thought gives the writer an access to a perspective that they would never have had and thus the luxury of having a factoidal approach to the decision making process that they went through, giving them comfort that they took the right decisions.

1 Dar Sbidat (Meknes) Morocco - The Dar Calipha of Meknes - I empathize with Tahir Shah, the author of a book with a similar name (a book gifted to me, by Alok, a dear diplomat friend, knowing that I was married to a Moroccan) - The story deals with the trials of British author with Indian-Afghan origin, married to an Indian, who migrate from the UK and settle down in Casablanca after having bought a palatial house at a bargain - Dar Calipha (The Caliphs house) - a bargain that he will pay for, for several years, many many times over - Hilariously,  quite similar to my life : married to Jamila, from Morocco - a business with a truck-hire, that we didn't pay entirely for, resulted in this life-long relationship (marriage) , and jokingly I admit, I'm still paying for the truck - now 25 years later. Tahir Shah eventually had to travel to a town called Meknes to resolve the quandary that came in with the purchase of the house - to free himself of the the djins and the staff that came with the house - while it was quite difficult to actually differentiate  between the staff and djins in his book - eventually the book has a very positive end. In his book, I must admit that we will never know whether Tahir was able to really get over the djins or was his mind able to come to terms that they didn't exist any more. Either way - peace of mind attained. 

I am in no way calling my situation a predicament - but the parallels are truly more than coincidental - Our hometown and plans to build are, guess where? Meknes! 

So, continuing my narration, long before I read "Dar Calipha", had travelled to Meknes, Zerhoun, Myrahsinne several consecutive years and had grown to love Morocco.  Living high up in the hills, on the precarious slopes, in a room on the terrace of my in-laws house - was a real experience - and gradually to make daily life simpler, we modernized the room with an air-conditioner and a western toilet. The village was up in the hills on the out skirts of Meknes - next to several famous mausolems - pilgrimage sites, where multitudes of followers of the faith and "powers of prayer" throng year in and year out, seeking to achieve results via spiritual or divine intervention. It was many years later, after having read Tahir's book, that I gradually learnt of the objective of many of the pilgrims to the Mausoleum at Sidi Ali, barely 500 metres from our parental home. Most pilgrims were young, mid aged, and I noticed over the years, more women -  with a determination different from religious fervor. And  gradually this dawned on me that they were similar in character to a Tahir Shah - not in search of religious solace but in search of solutions, paying obeisance to the famed supernatural powers  - to fight spirits (djinns) and spells - Meknes has a reputation that extends beyond religion, to what brought Tahir to Meknes, to resolve his conundrum. 

I, however didn't have to find Meknes. Meknes found me in Conakry. We were destined to meet over that truck-hire business dispute.  And over the years Morocco has endeared itself to me - the initial difficulties in getting a Visa and getting past the airport - all overcome without what I originally thought would have been key to travel in Morocco - "My Knowledge of French". The more I tried to boast of my knowledge of and use the language of the bourgeois,  the more alienation I faced. Until I realised that most Moroccans I met, presumed I was a Moroccan - returning from France - and the anger or animosity surfaced, unabated - "Why do you have to speak the language of the colonizers" - almost asking me if I wasn't ashamed - 'Speak Arabic - You lost soul of an Arab' is what they wanted to apparently  scream at me - and it was until I learnt those magic words - 'Ana Hindi' - and almost like waving a magic wand - in Harry Potter style - the frowns turned apologetic, spreading to broad grins - and the fair complexion turned tanned, eyes widened - Sorry - You are welcome ... We love India, You are Amitabh Bachchan, the older ones said. (Shah Rukh Khan is the preferred alias bestowed by the younger ones especially by the younger girls) - Needless to say, brightening up my face as well, blushing at times - when some of the young girls have immediately used lipstick to draw a Bindi, and offer "Mujhse shaadi karogey?" (Will you marry me) - I could go on dreaming  - but also remember the quick tug at my arm - and Jamila retorted (on the one occasion this happened at the airport, purchasing a sim card), informing the rather eager and pretty sales girl that I was already "Shaadi-Shudha" (Much married) !! Nevertheless, going beyond, Ana Hindi has remained the most important Arab phrase I have ever learnt. It's not only a get out of jail card, but a no need to go to jail card. The love for Indian and Indian culture is amazing. Whether its police on the highway checking your papers, or an acquaintance at a Bar or a Bank, the image of our film stars singing around a fire, or a tree has made our lives easier in this wonderful country. And when Jamila suggested that we needed to own a house of our own - we didn't hesitate to agree to pick up a farm land plot, not far from Myrahsinne , just below the hills, marginally closer to Meknes town, and yet not far from my in laws home. 

The Dar - "Lets build a small maintainable house", ...and I remember the arguments starting -. Now, when a Moroccan builds a house - they literally start with "below the ground up" - You HAVE to HAVE a basement, "a cave" - that's where everyone presumably lives when its hot, cold, snowing or raining -  the basement is where family stories are shared - daily experiences, from as wickedly-hilarious as about an unliked neighbour slipping on a banana peel, breaking their legs or as serious as a neighbours wedding. Whatever the triviality or 'enormity' -  laughter escapes literally battling to be heard above the rest of the cacophony - untrained ears may mistake this for a dispute and screaming - and you may be right more than occasionally. But a house without a basement isn't a home. 

Now the basement and its store room and kitchen are all planned, however, access to the  basement - will take you past the "Salon Moroccan" - the opulence filled living room - full Moroccan style - a large hall with colourful cushioned seats hugging the perimeter of the entire salon - all around. The ceiling has to have the intricate traditional trellis work - done in plaster of paris or in carved wood for the more opulent homes. The Salon Marocain will have several round tables on wheels on its carpeted floor. Covered with beautiful round embroidered table cloth, each of them have a plastic cover. These tables are where friends, guests, family sit around and have their family meals served in large centrally placed tajines or vessels - where every one eats out of - while a self-designated matronly (or motherly - to confirm that it out of pure love) head around each of these tables, will divide the meat or pieces of chicken, share a sauce and egg each person around that particular table to do justice to the meal. The plastic sheet protects the exquisite table cloth, and is so practical while clearing up - especially since the bones and non edible stuff is left on the table. Fruit is served after the meal - and the selection of fruits is amazing too - Figs, Melons, Oranges, Grapes, Dried Fruits, Walnuts, Pomegranate, and even Mangoes.. 

And back to the house, look across the Marocain Salon, and since most Moroccan homes have connections with Europe, you have to have a modern "Salon European" as well - modern fire place warming several leather sofa sets.  Depending on the your guest, they either sit in the Salon Marocain or European. Both are equally large and comfortable with large windows. 

Obviously to ensure that these large salons can be filled with people and fed as well, a large kitchen is a must. While bulk cooking would be done in the basement  kitchen, a large modern kitchen is also required. Size and style matter - and with a spouse who cooks very well and a daughter who does equally, the detail requirements for our kitchen are exhaustive. I must admit that as an enthusiastic user of the kitchen - I have no objections -

A request to have a study and office-cum-bar was met with an obviously invisible scant disregard.  And eventually a room, smaller than I expected, but rather cosy was conceded - and that in itself was a victory - for it is not often that the Moroccan family will concede space to an out of the box infringement. One bedroom at this mid level claimed by Jamila for us and three bedroom upstairs have all been claimed/bequeathed to each of the kids.. And each of the bedrooms have a walk in closet followed by a modern shower, all together forming quite an imposing house - with this wide marble staircase providing a Taj like connections between basement to principal floor and to the bedrooms.. 

As happens in Morocco, the design and contractor are cousins or distant relatives, with a very firm knowledge of regulations, construction and dos and donts. And yet the basis of their firm responses disappear when asked for concrete plans. But building this, on a fairly remote farmland, during a covid year, with several people falling ill (including the main contractor), full credit goes to Jamila for being able to monitor the work, order the material and ensure that work went on. Without wanting to complain, it was on several occasions that we watched Zootopias famous sloth scene and found near parallels at the speed of work of the very regular yet easy paced workmen. And while taking up the painful process of looking at detail, Jamila has sworn never to oversee building a house again - and while the most important part of making over a house into a home remain. Lights, Water and a few other critical construction items like the windows remain - and then will start our furnishing - design, colour discussions remain - then beds, curtains, carpets, furniture, gadgets, equipment - landscaping will be our final push - before Dar Meknes becomes a livable home.

2. Dar Fajara (Gambia) - Something that we have never considered as seriously as after our daughter, Rehane, not surprisingly declared she would want to settle or have a base in The Gambia - with most of her friends opting to do the same - atleast  - we thought, sighing a sigh of relief at this sensible decision, our grown up 18 year old (then) (20 year old now)  - was boldly asserting - establishing her presence in our family chain! Gradually have noticed that every decision we take, gets buck-stopped at our daughters check-point. We have, unsuccessfully been trying to buy the rented house we live in for the last 24 years. And have recently tried to find a plot of land in Fajara - where we have lived all our lives in The Gambia - in this house - since 1999.  The first decision to move - from what has become home and a comfort zone for us, the relatively quieter location at Fajara, to "OUT" (Rehanes monosyllable for things that develop at a faster, more modern pace - like developed countries - she terms the development at Burusubi past the turn-table - as a place closer to OUT - if you get what I mean. Therefore, we jump at acquiring a plot at the beachside area of Brufut heights - to build our dream home. The family decides to approach a Spanish architect  - an artist architect and quite well known for the swanky designs of several edifices in The Gambia - but he makes a few statements - that since he doesn't do homes anymore and has limited time, he would do this one as a favour for us under a few conditions - that once we decide to build, it must be seamless progress - so that the colours and tints and finer parts that he dreams and places on paper - remain fresh in his mind - So Ram, dont come back after I have started the drawings - to ask for major changes - once approved - we need to go right through till we get the concrete done - thereafter he says you can take a break and then the finishing work starts and should go through - mobilising workers is another reason he prefers to use this 2 stage plan. We agreee, and give him the go ahead for the basic designs. Jamila is stuck in Morocco at this moment - with Dar Meknes and since RAM has suspended flights. the first drawings are just WOW - and we request a few cosmetic swaps on positions of rooms - and after getting a WOW from Jamila too - the go ahead is given. I remember the architects words - Ram, dont call me for a Vodka to the Vineyard and ask for changes. We have already paid the advance for the drawings and his services.

The next day I call the architect, "Can we meet at the Vineyard for a Vodka" I hear myself, after we have - after a long search for a plot here,finally find a plot - and the decision to go with our original preference - a home in Fajara. We have just seen, identified and decided to buy a plot in Fajara - a quartier so difficult to get free land. The architect was clearly not happy  - since the new Fajara plot we understand is about 20 x 60 m - about 10 m narrower - and therefore - design adjustments will be required. He reluctantly agrees to visit the new plot with us and takes a measuring tape - and that creates our next hurdle - an accurate measurement shows we have bought a plot that measures s18.3m x 58m - Only solace is that it is in FAJARA. The architect is clearly not as enthused as I am. The family has safely resigned to the fact that its my decision to build in Fajara 

We have now waited for 15 days since the architect measured the plot and agreed to re-design - or atleast see how we can retain the original design with minimal changes. 

As I resume this blog after 2 years, I must update that the construction of Dar Gambia is now over - the concrete work is over, and several Vodka moments later, we now await the Aluminium and glass shipments - thanks to Putin and Zelensky and the Houthis, and Netanyahu and Hamas and other global disputes, our shipments have been delayed, with escalation of costs too. Rehane has just made a trip to Dakar to look at some bathroom fixtures. I presume we will have to wait a further six months before we are likely to be handed the keys to Dar Gambia

A quick update on Dar Meknes is that most of the furnishing is done, and we await the much awaited water connection - pipe have been laid and the Govt just needs to provide meters and turn the taps on. The numerous trees planted have started growing and should be a lovely orchard in a few years.

Originally written on 5th May, 2022

Continued on 18th October, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024

Its been awhile...I wonder why?

 A you tube debate on friendship- between someone called Simon (never heard of him before) and Trevor Noah - brought me to a blog I had written on Friends & Friendship about 14 years ago, ( possibly before Trevor & Simon contemplated debating or discussing the subject.... Received a couple of encouraging comments from "friends" that I had forwarded both - mine and Trevors viewpoints - ... when I just realised that despite having written numerous blog posts since 2008 or 2009 - I seem to have gone off the radar since 2020. 4 years and I haven't had the urge to write - I wonder why. Was it the Covid years - but contrary to this - Covid launched many work from home bloggers and authors - so Covid couldn't be a reason for my deep-freezing the writer in me.

As I ponder in deep thought, for a reason, I presume I must have been pre occupied with many other things. I guess Covid in a way was responsible for making my life a lot more busier. .. 

Consular work has definitely played a role - and with all the very deeply intriguing stuff going on at community level, I could have filled up several Games of Thrones like episodes...Alas all that transpired is off limits for my blogs.- but definitely features as one of the prime suspects in my who-done-it quest.

Another reason is probably that I have given up ( virtually) on using a lap top or a pad, and have unburdened myself of carrying my laptop when I travel. and when I look back - despite Covid, I have never travelled as much in my life compared to the last few years. And blogging for me has always been on the laptop. 

I wonder if this affects other bloggers as well. My acquisition of my Samsung Ultra 24 and the earlier marriage with Samsungs Note series from the 4 to 8, the 10 and 20 prior to their discontinuing with the Note series had already strained my relationship with my Laptop ... and as well with my Canon D7 SLR - that I eventually bequeathed to an online magazine who produced far more vibrant pictures than I ever did. The Samsung Smartphones had alienated me from Laptops and SLR Cameras.

Until a few hours ago - 

So here I am, typing away - I must say far more energized than when I started this blog. I've just had a real pleasant surprise - I have been a great fan and follower of Shashi Tharoor. I have written of my admiration for his work and how I came about to have a few meetings with him ( 

Earlier this year (2024), when he won his seat in Thiruvananthapuram for a record 4th consecutive term, against a formidable opponent, I sent him a congratulatory message to which he did respond with a thank you note. Encouraged, I sent him one of my blogs on Kerala and our Civic sense on the roads, ( imagine to my utter delight - had a very nice short whatsapp message that he indeed liked the blog!! I was and still am over the moon. 

Thank you Shashi. I am now back on the laptop and hope this inspiration drives me to continue blogging.

Friday, 18th October - an overcast day in Banjul, but the sun is shining over me. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Is this Democracy?

The American Elections 

I wonder if this is what the founding fathers and democracy ever thought was the future they dreamt of ... 

Watching the IOWA caucuses and seriously think the system is flawed. 

It's so easy for the least democratic people to twist the laws and confuse people ..and the media seems to be able to like , when we say "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".. the media is able to put the image in front of you. And your version and choice of beauty is actually the choice of the media that put that image into your mind, thought, and thus the vote.

We swear oaths in courts and everyone of those senators promised to tell the truth, and each of them was blatantly lying.. they were voting on a partisan basis, bluffing ..and yet .. everyone (the American people - as they so often repeat) .... knows theyre bluffing. 

The caucuses encourage horse trading among the voters... not much different from India's Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha.. where horse trading though illegal, has so many loopholes, that the very democracy that was to have brought power to the people, is taking it away from them. 

Ive blogged for years about the negatives of having a Trump, and the many ways to thwart Trump. Well, no one listened, and now after 3 years, have realised that theres no hope. The American people have demonstrated that they have no will to be freed from sleaze and eye washes.. i believe that Trump will win again.. I hope Im wrong, but doubt Americans have visions of their own. 

My innards scream. Why TF cant the democrats for once, open their eye, pool their resources, stop doing adverts against themselves and giving Trumps republicans ammunition for the eventual Democratic candidate!! Unite for once if you really value democratic ideals. Bernie was your best bet - Warren is a second string but better than a Biden who will no doubt start with an impeachment effort from the GOP, if at all he does win. 

American Democrats- do it now, unite. Regroup. This is no time to bicker against each other.

Thanks to you, Trump who barely survived being removed, today looks so strong, wins the GOP caucus with an overwhelming 90%, and with 10 months to go for re election, we may have to celebrate another 4 years of Donald Trump.

The only silver lining is that the Stand up comedy and talk shows will have free fodder from Washington.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Just Another Day - 23rd April 2019

Our daughter just turned 18 

And I'm unable to fathom my emotions 

We were coincidentally watching some old home movies last night with friends Farida and Aftab, visiting us in The Gambia after over 10 years, and stumbled on some other old videos from 10 to 12 years ago, with Rehane as an 8 year old, dancing away at a New Years party in Cape Skirring.. and memories flooded back.

This little active sprightly baby of ours, has turned 18! Do I look worried or am I thrilled 😅😅😅. Of course I'm thrilled. Overjoyed.

I fondly remember her birth with Dr. Bahsoun informing me that the good news was that it was a baby girl, and luckily didn't resemble me!!

Shes 18. Its sinking in.

That teenager milestone that governments acknowledge and confirm that you've grown!! 

Yet I have always felt that this one passed that milestone quite a few years ago. 

Be it learning to drive, or travelling overseas independently, or engaging in activities or conversations with people far older than her, or cooking, not just for survival, but good cooking, food for friends. She loved snails and oysters and local west african ebeh and fufu, a widespread array of tastes that many of us adults would cringe from.

She's been doing all the above for quite some time. 

She jumped off an aircraft, sky-dived when she was barely 12, overcame a fear of eating while flying, just by doing it herself. She learnt swimming when barely a year old, swam in freezing waters around Vigo before she was 12.

She spoke and speaks fluent Arabic, English, French, Wolof and dabbled with Hindi Gujarati and other languages.. though prefers yakking away in Wolof in the company of her diverse Gambian, Hungarian, Lebanese friends. 

Her love for music - from being a persistent 1D fan, getting me to listen, like their music and travel to London for a live 1D performance, most of my music collection today is from her. 

Shes been good to very good at academics, despite having parents who never did push her.. excelled in extra curricular activities and has always made us proud as parents. Her love for design, clothes and especially shoes has been consistent. Her painting skills have always been noticed and her steady hand while applying henna, earning good pocket money, has reassured us that she would never be strapped for cash in life. 

Well behaved at other peoples parties, and a help and friend to her friends,  her ability to keep friends for long is encouraging.

Ofcourse, she's imbibed a headstrong attitude from her parents, and a pretty short temper too. ..😅. Adamant and stubborn too - never did and vehemently refuses to learn to cycle, but has liked riding pillion on my motor bikes, though defiant while asked to wear a helmet, lest it infringe with her hair-do.... .. But then those are traits that we adults have.

So though my daughter turns 18 today, shes been an adult a long time ago! 

Happy Birthday Babes😍😍😍

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Black Holes and Bad Exits

Black Holes and Bad Exits

I feel dumb! 

They've discovered how to image a black hole and scientists are going gaga on this stupendous achievement!!! 

'Bravo' I exclaim, while my head searches deep within the vast expanse of my brain... WTF is a black hole, and why is it more important than things that affect us everyday, like Global warming, Bashir stepping down in Sudan, The Mueller report and Trumps taxes, Algerian democracy, and most importantly, Brexit!! 

The more I search for answers, the dumber I feel!! They're all so similar!! A lot of gas in an empty space that you and me can do nothing about except talk, or write about.... with no consequences at all! 

So I want to know more about the current Brexit situation! 

The news is that the EU have given May another chance (her 4th or 5th chance), until October to try pushing the British parliament to agree to a proposal on how to withdraw! 

The people of Great Britain were given ONLY ONE chance to vote on something that they had no idea what the consequences would be. 


A majoroty of those who voted to leave Britain, werent likely to be around when the consequences would be felt. Like your 90 year old parents putting their saved up money into a 30 year fixed deposit!! 

As the consequnces of a Brexit slowly dawned on many who voted to leave, and the political turmoil unfolding in Britain, the Government has been given 4 or more attempts to pass a Brexit deal , and have failed.

.. and now a further extension into a black hole like situation. 

No one knows what it is 
No one knows what it will do to you and your body. But the British Brexiters say, its done! 
No going back. 
Captain Kirk has set USSEnterprise on its path to go where no man has been before!! 

And YET, if we ask, since things are much clearer now, why not give the people of 'Great' Britain another chance, another referendum, the first response is a NO,! 

The people have already had a final say. 
Everyone has another chance!. 
The Tories have had 4 and many more likely, so why not the people!! 


Ram Mohan
Confounded in The Gambia
Watching news as Julian Assange is arrested,Sudans Omar al Bashir has been removed in a Coup, The US Attorney General continues to shield Trump who thinks this is a victory, Mike Pence has just authorised a Coup in Venezuela, Israel elects Netanyahu by the skin of his teeth, Trump gloats, India goes into a huge election while someone is suing Facebook....and the EU has just given Theresa May another chance!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Art of Influencing Elections

We've been worried. Then we laughed. We are now facing consequences. We're seriously worried!

We have been following US Politics ever since an orange headed billionaire stood for and then against all odds,  took office as the POTUS! A strange dysfunctional family moved into the White House. The fate of the world now lies ever so much on a person who knows nothing much about it,  whose actions could alter the face of the entire planet, if not wipe everything off it. And while we deliberate whom we should blame for this impending disaster of a choice, and it seems like the American people (who voted for him) are the obvious culprits, we are suddenly confronted by BREAKING NEWS.
It wasn't the Americans.

It was the RUSSIANS!!!

Television channels scream  of US accusations of Russian interference in the US elections.

The Russians effectively interfered and helped Trump win,  they convincingly claim.

The Russians actually were able to influence Americans to vote for Trump by discrediting the Democratic nominee.

Did they play mind games? Hypnosis? Abracadabra - Vote for Trump - How did they do it?

In search for answers, the US appoints a special counsel to probe Russian interference.

How the Trump electoral machine colluded with Russian hackers or internet manipulators to influence  the outcome of the US Elections.

The usage of Russian cyber whizes to influence gullible American voters and thus alter the fate of America..  and the whole world too  This did sound sinister and treacherous! 

Sinister and Treacherous?

If you've grown up in the era we have, you wonder? CIA & KGB and James Bond are the immediate thoughts.

And back to reality you consider the accusation - Regime change influenced in the US of A by the Russians.

Hang On! My 1963 born mind cautions me.

The Russians haven't invaded the US.
Did they parachute in. Were guns fired? Hope no Nukes or Chemical weapons were used!
How many Dead?
The Russians haven't sent cold war era type of KGB spies or infiltrators or hired double agents. No spy thriller here. 

The how did they do it -

They just posted fake adverts, targeted at "swallow-everything-you-see-on-Television" American populace.
They swallowed! And we're getting screwed""

WTF are we talking about here?

While Robert Muller goes about his task , lets retrospect a bit on Regime change.

And as we delve into history on the means used by this very same United States of America using force, politics, money and subterfuge to interfere in other countries political futures, we wonder, on what grounds are the Americans crying foul of Russian interference in their elections. 

Its almost surreal. they're spending billions of Dollars investigating the Russian influence. And they are upset their population swallowed these fake news articles strategically placed by a far more intelligent being. Whether cyber transgression constitutes regime change may be debated - but for a country that has performed surgical, aggressive, violent and blatant regime change for more than half of its being, to complain about something I would blame on the low IQs of the targeted audience, is ridiculous. I googled "Regime Change Efforts of The United States of America" and was quite 'amused' to read the Wikipedia article. I quote from several paragraphs here :- 

(Source : Wikipedia

United States involvement in regime change has entailed both overt and covert actions aimed at altering, replacing, or preserving foreign governments. In the latter half of the 19th century, the U.S. government undertook regime change actions mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, and included the Mexican-AmericanSpanish-American and Philippine-American wars. At the onset of the 20th century the United States shaped or installed friendly governments in many countries including PanamaHondurasNicaraguaMexicoHaiti, and the Dominican Republic.

Read ( A detailed list of US Military Interventions )

The first article goes on to detail every US Intervention , highlighting US Efforts in Russia, Cuba during the cold war era, to the more recent interventions against a falsified Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) search in Iraq, to a hunt for Bin laden in Afghanistan and Pakistan, regime change in Libya and more recently in funding an opposition with arms and a battle in Syria - the effects of which have been a complete destabilization of the entire region and the fall out in the refugee crisis in Europe and the Arab peninsula region. They have escalated the South China Sea dispute to one on the brink of a Nuclear war. All blatant Interference in Political outcomes of other sovereign nations. 

The second article simply lists the hundreds of military interventions by the US that resulted or attempted regime change through use of force.

And the irony of it all is that they are crying foul about a relatively effective, peaceful, insignificant No Guns, No Blood, No War cyber attack on the limited IQ of a few million gullible American voters via the Internet!!

Am I missing something here? 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

We must be Stupid

On Corruption, The Media -Social & Un-social, Religion and Politics - a Nexus?

Have been in India for a far longer duration than I've been before, and the more I try to follow the news and trends of Indian politics, the more I'm convinced that we, the people are plain Stupid, Dumb or CRAZY. Scroll down on your Social media app and try to peep into the world of politics and news, and it gets worse. 

We get 'stupider..if that's a word I can use. 

This is not about being pro BJP, pro or anti Modi, pro or anti the Congress or for that matter the AAP. 

This is about our being gullible enough to swallow all that's being spewed out by our politicians and our television channels.

I try and scavenge some logic with my old mates, and I find that were polarized too!! Extremely, at that. The debates among friends have become toxic. Quite often, the toxicity and depth of discussion, breaks up very old friendships!!

The politics in Tamil Nadu have always been cinematic, and that's the least one can say. But reality today is far more sinister and melodramatic than our script writers of yesteryear ever did script!! M N Nambiar and M R Radha seem like the fore-tellers, Nostradamus' warning us, in their celluloid days, of today.

The heights of blatant corruption that our politicians have risen to would make the Everest seem a molehill!

Scams of "Lakhs of Crores of Rupees" have literally become catch-phrases of the magnitude of corruption we have learnt to become numb to. How much is one Lakh Crore Rupees? 
1,00,000 x 100,00,000 gives me a figure of 10,00,00,00,00,000 Rupees.
I don't even know where to fix the commas(separators) anymore!! 

Maybe a conversion into the more conventional will help! 
1,000,000,000,000 Rupees is One Thousand Billion Rupees. 
If we do convert this astronomical figure into an international currency (No, the Rupee isn't there as yet, even though we claim we are among them!!), it gives us a figure of US$150,000,000,000 (150 Billion US Dollars).


And that's 1(ONE) Lakh Crore Rupees!!! 

With several scams  in our country, each qualifying easily, with several hundreds or thousands of crores Rupees,  and a few close to or even surpassing the magical ONE Lakh Crore, we, the people, must be really crazy to imagine that our politicians will ever let go without a slice of the cake.

We're the Worlds largest growing Democracy. This cloak of democracy encourages us to believe that we have chosen these leaders and thus they work for our ideals. The old adage that you get the leaders you deserve, resigns us to this, almost like Karma, that mystic future that you're destined to bear because of an even more mysterious past life!! We accept anything if a mystic spiritual explanation is offered. Just as we take bribing gods for favours to the next level when we do the same in our daily life.

This very ridiculous presumption that any political leader actually gets to perform only as his constituency wants is a dream that we will only dream about and never see in reality. If we believe that todays crop of politicians are our karmic payback, I or we must have had a very "sinful" or colourful past life!!

Where are we heading? 

Vote Banks? Note Banks! Reservation Cards!! Reservations were meant to uplift the downtrodden by giving them an opportunity to get on par with the rest of the country. The Opportunists (our political masters) have not only twisted the whole raison-d'etre of reservations into a monopoly of political and monetary gain, but have not just extended the duration of this Reservation, year after year , the scope of reservation, increasingly covers more and more communities, that very soon those not covered under reservation will become a minority.. All this while our nation regresses. 

We're literally watching as one of India's most affluent communities is fighting for reservation too, on the accepted pretext of having been marginalized for many years. The Patels, one of our most wealthy communities, with amazing financial success the world over, have recently joined the fray and fight for reservation in India. And the political bosses have immediately, jumped on the bandwagon, realizing that they command an affluent vote bank. Successfully disrupting lives and infrastructure, they are led on to fight for a cause that was created to bring those who didn't have, to par. 

Were lowering the bar to bring par down. Lowering the standard to accommodate. 

There seems to be a complete lack of innovation. Jugaad has become a national heritage rather than a drive to improve and create. 

Make in India will remain a slogan , just as Garibi Hatao only helped move the poor away than move poverty away.

The Minorities have become vote bank majorities. The Backward Castes and Classes have grown being fed by vote seeking politicians. The poor have become a larger group, the middle class is mesmerized and continues to grow. Our billionaires have only gotten further away. 

When will we wake up from this? How can we wake up and correct this ?

A paradigm shift is required.. in thought,, in politics.. and thus mass media is required  - but what does one do when the mass media itself is mired in this mess. Where media is a part or even possibly the root cause of the problem itself. 

Does Social media have the possibility to rally the common man? It may be too late. Social media started off as a watch dog on the main stream media. But ever since the idea to use Fake media to discredit legitimate social media has caught on, thanks to Donald Trump, social media has proven to be effectively disruptive and worse, un-controllable.

Raise an issue and you're trolled and in no time. You're the perpetrator. The publicity shy common man either is bought or is shoved out, hounded out until the movement is stifled in its path.Take the current debate on Television. On fake nationalism debates being virtually fabricated by the television channels. And the channel is now trying to make it a debate inviting radicals from all sides to make slanderous comments. The comments are then edited or carefully chosen to incite and scrolled as Breaking news segments flashing discotheque like on the screen...the debate turns into an argument. Voices raised, barbs are spewed out, and the negative comments then are highlighted by the same media as anti national comments. Violence spills out from the studios to the streets, giving them more fodder for the ever TRP hungry channels. 

A vicious cycle indeed. 

A political party. The laws say must have no criminal record. Yet one finds that come elections, rules are twisted and tickets given to tainted thugs. 

The Election Commission says No Sops before elections. Yet giving sops before elections is the national pastime. blatant misuse of state machinery for political mileage. And this is not just the current political dispensation. This has been a mutually accepted practice executed to perfection by every political party to some extent or the other. This has become worse than the doping scandal in cycling. Everyone cheats. 

And I wonder why, the moment I say 'çheat', I think of  religion!! Godmen have been in our news. for the deceit, sleaze and everything else that we were taught were the evils of social and civil behavior. And yet they thrive. The blind faith by multitudes, despite the exposes, is quite frightening, and is why I wonder if we're stupid.

We have learnt well from our British colonizers. Divide and rule was what we were taught was the manner in which the British kept us fighting among ourselves, hoping that we would forget about the colonizers and this ploy almost succeeded. 

Gandhi brought about a paradigm shift in the manner we reacted and thus we were able to achieve freedom. But no longer than our Colonizers left, did our politicians get rid of Gandhi and his influence dwindled. Overtaken by greed for power and money, we have once again sunk into the depths of the trap.

Will we find another Gandhi? Not one just in name (for heavens sake), but one in Principle. 

Until then, we remain regressive, puppet-like and stupid.

Ram Mohan
Depressed on the state of media and politics.
Chennai October 2017