Friday, December 12, 2008

On Corruption & Terrorism

For years, I've loved to read and never thought about writing. I've started this blog in 2008 along the years have seen that the writing bug hits you once in a while.

Here goes :-

We have been having a few discussions, among friends, on the issue of Corruption in our Armed Forces. 

The debate centered around whether there was more corruption in the Forces than is visible. 

Do we "outsiders" feel there is less corruption among our Armed Forces because we ( as outsiders) are not directly exposed to it, as opposed to those in defence services, who see corruption outside as well as inside, but more often speak of civilian corruption.

We are discussing the Armed Forces and not the Police and Security agencies.

The 'corruption' visible in the armed forces is immediately linked, not to the fighting forces or the jawans, but to the supply & procurement services wings ( the Supplies Distribution System of the Army - the Quartermasters Stores, Ordnance, etc). Corruption closes in here more because of the influence from external or civilian suppliers and a 'trade' opportunity - thus commissions paid for procuring goods from a particular supplier.

I personally feel that individual character has a lot more to do with corruption, whether in the services or out. And this character is built at Home by parents, friends and family and at School by Teachers and friends, and thereafter by the company one keeps. In todays' world, character is also built by external forces like the media. Satellite television and the Internet have brought outside influences to our living rooms. Here however, is where parents come in and can limit or channel these influences. Thus once again PARENTS play the 'directors' role of moulding of ones character. If the basics are right, then rarely can outside efforts corrupt.

And in the current context of the terror attacks, I am sure that the above holds good for Terrorism too. Strong character moulding at a young age will be the strongest tool to battle terrorism in the long term . After all isnt terrorism a corruption of the human psyche?

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