Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On Induced Democracy and its Rewards

This week, an Iraqi journalist threw a pair of shoes at George Bush as he said farewell to the Iraqis. GWBs gift to them (the Shiite government) was liberation from Saddam and the Sunnis. His gift to the Sunnis was ‘his style of Democracy’. Yet the perpetrator, a shiite, who launched his ‘shoes’ at ‘his’ benefactor, was for the watching world and his family, an IRAQI, Muslim, Arab, Oppressed human being venting their frustration at this un-welcome liberation. And this brings about the parody –

As Bush himself eloquently put it (after equally eloquently side stepping and ducking with speed and guile that would have made any boxer proud)
"He (the shoe thrower) was trying to draw attention to himself...thats what happens in free societies" thus exhibiting freedom of expression that we ( Americans) have brought into Iraq"!!! Duh! Was that a Presidential pardon offered by Bush or was it an excuse? Does that then make the National Emblem of Democracy a 'hurled shoe'.
I had written this note below in February 2008 in a light hearted manner on a heavy hearted issue.
The Americans have induced Democracy in Iraq and 'Hurled Shoes' are enough proof that it's working.
DEMOCRACY – The Bush Doctrine ( February 2008)
The word 'Democracy' will soon have several meanings in newer editions of the Dictionaries of the World. One form of Democracy, quickly replacing most other forms of governments is the legacy of George W Bush, a democracy that we shall refer to henceforth as Bush’s American Doctrine on Democracy. (Strangely enough, this transformation is happening very rapidly in Oil rich states due to some strange chemical affinity between Democracy and Crude Oil)

Bush’s American Doctrine on Democracy (or BAD Democracy for short) – Is defined as "the freedom bestowed upon all American People, a freedom earned by restricting the freedom of any other nation, race, religion, creed or sex that is in disagreement with this form of Democracy, that could or would destabilize the freedom of Bush’s American people. This could apply also to any other nation or region that Bush has found sufficient reason to induce his form of Democracy upon. (the reasons could be either the strategic location of the Nation (eg. Cuba) or its natural resources (eg. Iraq))

BAD also includes restricting the privacy and freedom of movement, thought and speech of his own (American) people so that they can live free peaceful lives. It includes permission to imprison those who don’t believe in true American Freedom. These prisons have to be conveniently located in nations that don’t believe in any form of Democracy, thus the accused non-democratic criminals would not have recourse to Democratic means to argue their case.

Since BAD believes in Bush's dictum 'You’re either with us or you’re with them (The Axis of Evil) it thus easily permits inclusion into this exclusive Democratic Club certain rulers or nations who have been autocratic or oppressive in their rule. This works like a membership card and the membership to this Democratic club can be bought. Thus Religious hardliner States ( like the Saudi’s) who believe in no democracy at all, who exercise all policies that Democracy has fought against in all its years of development, can have access to the Democratic label. On the brighter side, after induction in this club, the Saudis have improved their 'democratic values' and have down scaled all oppression by the State. We hear that they are even giving Women more rights, like the freedom to drive and speak when not spoken to. One hears that they have reduced the punishment for women exhibiting hair on their head from 50 lashes to only 25.
In this liberal form of Democracy, you can convert your non-democratic values into BAD Points under Bush's democracy and thus you can become a good BAD candidate. You earn 'more membership miles' as with any other membership card.

The Biggest advantage of BAD type of Democracy is that it is INSTANT ( Like Instant coffee). Unlike old fashioned Democracy, which you had to nurture for years in a nation, Bush’s democracy can be installed anywhere and anytime in any environment. It can be imposed on anyone too. Most often just needs a few arms, weapons, a few 100 Hummers, squadrons of F16s and Chinooks and platoons to install. Installations are done free by companies of the free world like Halliburton Inc. etc. They are now perfecting a DIY kit too – developed after years of testing in Afghanistan and Iraq. The have special consultants 'Cheney & Rumsfeld Inc' who are specialists in supplying catalysts to speed up the process and cloud all evidence of autocracy.

BAD Democracy also gives you a lot of freedom - the freedom to buy guns so that you can protect yourself from others who exercise the same right. You can start young by letting your kids try out these instruments of peace at school. This 'Learn while you are Young' program is proudly sponsored by the NRA (the ultimate symbol of Americas freedom).

BAD Democracy also gives you the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose a marriage partner – irrespective of which sex (gender), political inclination or battalion or division that you belong to.

BAD Democracy has a special Dictators Policy - Dictators thus have the choice of converting to BAD Democracy – quicker than one can change religion by baptism. Classic examples of rulers who have proved the effectiveness of BAD type of democracy are Gen Pervez Musharraf ( though of late he has corrupted the system and let some traditional democracy ruin his stature).

The United Kingdom too has been quick to see advantages in this form of Democracy. While advising other nations to liberalise movement and exhibit greater freedom and expression of though and human rights, under BAD Democracy Britain has now been able to enforce bad behaviour laws, binge drinking laws, public behaviour laws, moral policing at Pubs ( the very symbol of Britishness), nationalising Banks and what not…. All these values that were once the bastion of a free society ( which Bush insists are the best for Iraqis) are now found unsuitable for the British! The Government terrorising its population so that they wont be terrorized by the real terrorists. Of course one must be quick to add that all this is for the safety and protection of the British people!!

Bush's Africa Policy :– He spends 400Billion to fund a war and 2 Million for mosquito nets to Tanzania to prevent malaria. and a further 700 million to build a US Base there. Of course, this is to develop Tanzania and Africa. Imagine the rich American shoppers (the marines) and tourists thronging the pubs and streets of Dar.

Bush is proud to have pledged 25 million Dollars to fight Aids in Africa – Everything is a FIGHT – Fight for Peace, Fight against Aids, War or Terror etc etc. And guess what - every fight needs arms and weapons.

Most important ingredients : Money, Arms, Troops and more money
Most Important Personnel : Dick Cheyney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condy Rice – without whom Bush’s 'experiments with truth' would have never moved ahead.

When we were kids, when we fought amongst ourselves, we were told by our parents to appologise (even if it wasn’t our fault) – and strangely enough, we magically gained more life long friends. The moment we hit back, they hit back harder, and then our parents fought and then our grand parents fought and the neighbours ganged up and bought hockey sticks and bottles…. The more affluent bought guns. The even more affluent contacted the cops and bribed them……… Isn’t there a sane world out here.

We’ve seen this in real life and we’ve seen this in the movies – the more you corner someone and insult his sentiments – the more radical he becomes in thought.

This is what George Bush has done to the Muslims and other marginalized people. Rather than nurture the moderates and thus exclude the extreme radicals – he has alienated the liberals made them moderate and all the semi-liberals and moderates are now radicals.

Can you imagine why someone would give up ones life to kill someone that he or she has no connection with? Yes it is only an extremist that can do this – but this extremist has been created – by continuous oppression. When you have nothing more to live for, and continue to be oppressed, it is very easy for the terrorist recruitment agencies to convince you to give up your lives. The radical terrorists use focus of thought and clouding of vision to drag these already opressed into believing that blowing themselves up would give them salvation. They focus their minds on the likes of Bush and thus with clouded vision dont see the other humans they will kill.

When one sees images of George Bush handing out mosquito nets in Tanzania, it is unsettling to imagine that 1 million children in Africa die from malaria and its eradication would cost not more than 10 million dollars a year – that’s not even ½ a percent of the monthly budget of his war in Iraq.

When will anyone see reason?

Ram Mohan
February 2008.

1 comment:

  1. ...and an interesting note on Mosquito Nets... Apparently they use them only when in Bed ...and thus only during 15% of their lives. ... It may be a western concept that Mosquitos bite only at night!! Maybe another blog required!
